A VHDL program consists of 4 Main Design Units
-It is how the system is viewed externally
-It is a description of functionality (Schematic)
-It assosciates Entity and Architecture
-It is used to store a Reusable code(Library)
Entity <name_of_entity> is
Generic Declarations
Port Declarations
end <name_of_entity>;
* <name_of_entity> is any alphanumeric name given to the entity
* Generic Declarations are used to pass information into a model
* Port Declarations are used to describe the input,output pins
$. Port Declaration Syntax:
port_name1:<mode> <type> ;
port_name2:<mode> <type> ;
port_nameN:<mode> <type>
* port_name is a name given to the port/pin
* <mode> is used to specify the direction of data flow through that pin,
modes are-
in -for input
input signals can only be read from
out -for output
output signals can only be written to
inout -bidirectional
buffer -output with internal feedback
physically it is an output pin but can also be read
* <type> is used to specify the data type of the port
Some of the commonly used types are-
STD_LOGIC - Declares a Standard Logic Bit which can have values
0 (logic low)
1 (logic high)
x (Unknown)
z (Tristate)
- (Don't Care)
STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(m downto 0) - Declares a Standard Logic Vector of m+1 bits where port_name(m) signifies the MSB and port_name(0) signifies the LSB.
Note that Every port declaration ends with a semi-colon except the last one
Architecture describes the internal logic of our model,the outside world can only see the port connections and the parameters passed to it.
Note: An architecture must be associated to an Entity
Entity can have multiple architecture.
Syntax of Architecture:
Architecture <identifier> of <name_of_entity> is
Declaration of variables that aren't ports or generics
Body of Architecture
End Architecture <identifier> ;
* <identifier> is the name given to the architecture
* Variables that aren't ports or generics are declared before Begin
these variables are generally Temporary Signals or Constants for interconnections.
* Body of Architecture is the description of functionality and timing of the model.
It consists of executable statements
Next : Fundamentals of writing an architecture in VHDL
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